Graphic Designer & 3D Generalist

︎︎︎ After five years of experience working at one of Scotland’s foremost design studios, I developed my animation skills, earning a masters in visual effects production. 


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Edinburgh International Book Festival 2019 Campaign

My Roles:
Concept Creation, Visual Design, Artworking

Work completed at Tangent

Edinburgh International Book Festival 2019 Campaign stemmed from the idea that we live in a world that pressures you to choose a side. EIBF asked: How can we learn to communicate with each other and meet in the middle or change our mind?

This campaign took inspiration from one of EIBF’s main events - a talk on the Aboriginal tradition of songlines (paths across the land that are recorded through song). They transcended language barriers as tribes who spoke different languages could use the same songlines, as songlines were understood through rhythm rather than speech.

Although we may feel like we speak different languages at times, we can still learn to understand each other and work together. From that starting point we began to think about other forms of storytelling that overcame language barriers and defied traditional narrative tropes.

Reversible comics and sketches 
Credit: Rose Wong


Initial concept development and early designs

Working in tandem with New York based illustrator Rose Wong, five comic strips were created in order to convey stories in a format that is universally accessible.

All five comics are reversible, so depending on your perspective, the story can change completely and become something new - creating a sense of oscillation between two points of view. Both stories (either backwards or forwards) were positive, but conveyed a different end goal for the protagonist.


Clockwise from Top: George Street, Edinburgh / First Book Award Leaflets / Festival Box Office / Charlotte Square Gardens
Photo credit: Sally Jubb

Instagram worthy

The 2019 Edinburgh International Book Festival was a successful year, with record numbers of attendees.

Repost by @edbookfest

Original nail art by @ailsajames91

Brochure cover variations

Charlotte Square Gardens External Hoardings
Photo credit: Sally Jubb

Leaflet / Festival Merch
Photo credit: Sally Jubb


Charlotte Square Gardens External Hoardings
Photo credit: Sally Jubb